Our Mission
Fairfax CASA is a nonprofit organization committed to advocating for the best interests of children with open abuse and neglect cases before the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Fairfax CASA recruits, screens, trains, and supervises volunteers dedicated to advocating for the needs of abused and neglected children in need of services or supervision. CASA volunteers advocate for their children, making sure they have what they need to heal from the abuse they’ve experienced and help to find them safe and loving homes.
Fairfax CASA is the only court advocacy program for abused and neglected children in Fairfax County. It directly impacts the administration of justice for our most vulnerable citizens. CASA volunteers gather information about each child’s circumstances, focus on the safety and well-being of the child, and help keep the focus on the unique needs of the child. CASA volunteers speak to caregivers, family members, and case professionals, visit regularly with the child, and review the child’s health, mental health, and school records.
CASA volunteers work closely with the child’s social worker and the Guardian ad litem attorney appointed for the child. CASA volunteers also collaborate with the professionals who provide case management, legal representation, and counseling services to help ensure the child remains safe and can be placed in a permanent home in a reasonable period of time. For each hearing, the CASA volunteer writes a detailed report to the Court, complete with case history, documented factual findings, and recommendations of family stabilization services.
In addition to Fairfax CASA’s court advocacy program, the organization works to promote and participate in collaborative efforts with other child-serving agencies on behalf of abused and at-risk children and to raise community awareness about the long-term impact of child abuse and childhood trauma.
CASA is key to fulfilling society’s most fundamental obligation of ensuring those child victims of abuse and neglect can grow up in safe and nurturing homes where they may reach their full potential.